2020.10.12 03:25内と外のあいだ @ベルガモ中学校"Between Interior and Exterior" The Japanese words “Interior - uchi” and “Exterior - soto” mean “Inside/Outside of a limited space” and also...
2020.06.24 01:31Hands-on! ミュンヘン工科大と東大の学生交流A report of the intercultural exchange program "Hands-on", coordinated by BLANCO, between the Technical University of Munich and the Tokyo U...
2019.12.12 05:37壁画プロジェクト@イタリア地域精神医療Una relazione del progetto di Murales con gli ospiti alla cooperativa sociale "le vele", una Comunita' Protetta ad Alta Assistenza per pazie...
2019.09.14 03:19巨大お面 -愛媛小学校WS 2-Following the previous workshop report in Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture, this time we look back on the art activity of the special supp...
2019.05.15 10:57みんなの旅路 -愛媛小学校WS 1-In June 2018, we held 4 types of workshop in 2 Elementary School of Ehime, in south-west Japan. This is a report of one titled "Everyone's j...
2019.04.27 16:58ドイツの幼稚園 2 -kindergarten-Munich Kindergarten Report 2:幼稚園発祥の国、ドイツ。教育学者フレーベルが、1840年小学校前の子供達のために開いた学校がキンダーガルテンの始まりと言われています。前回レポート(ドイツの幼稚園1)したように、ますます多様化するドイツでは、どのように幼児...
2019.03.18 06:19ドイツの幼稚園 1 -kindergarten-Munich Kindergarten Report 1:ミュンヘン市内で電車やバスに乗っていると、必ずと言っていいほど、ドイツ語以外の言語が聞こえてきます。2015年に移民の波が押し寄せましたが、既にそのずっと前から、ドイツは着々と多民族国家の道を歩んでいます。戦後すぐ、外国人...
2018.05.31 07:09素材と手刷り@イタリア社会協同組合In February 2018, we held a workshop in the L.P.K. cooperative for the creative activities of the mentally challenged, in Pozzo d'Adda (MI),...
2018.04.25 11:46内と外のあいだ -between Inside and Outside-For Nakanojo Biennale 2017 we built and hung a house, where you can glance between Inside and Outside through the windows created by 110 six...
2017.11.13 14:42アクティブ・ラーニング型鑑賞授業Questa e' la relazione di alcuni workshop alla scuola elementare di Ehime, a sud-ovest del Giappone, in collaborazione con vari insegnanti. ...
2017.10.11 05:30精神病院をなくした国イタリアAbbiamo guidato HAP, un gruppo giapponese di Hiroshima, in alcuni istituti e cooperative dove realizzano progetti territoriali per persone c...
2017.10.10 14:33La Poesia dell’Aria-空気の詩-"La Poesia dell'Aria" sul tetto Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, accompagnati dalla scrittrice Chicca Gagliardo, laboratorio a cura di Kaori Miya...