2020.10.12 03:25内と外のあいだ @ベルガモ中学校"Between Interior and Exterior" The Japanese words “Interior - uchi” and “Exterior - soto” mean “Inside/Outside of a limited space” and also...
2020.06.24 01:31Hands-on! ミュンヘン工科大と東大の学生交流A report of the intercultural exchange program "Hands-on", coordinated by BLANCO, between the Technical University of Munich and the Tokyo U...
2019.09.14 03:19巨大お面 -愛媛小学校WS 2-Following the previous workshop report in Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture, this time we look back on the art activity of the special supp...
2019.05.15 10:57みんなの旅路 -愛媛小学校WS 1-In June 2018, we held 4 types of workshop in 2 Elementary School of Ehime, in south-west Japan. This is a report of one titled "Everyone's j...
2017.10.10 14:33La Poesia dell’Aria-空気の詩-"La Poesia dell'Aria" sul tetto Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, accompagnati dalla scrittrice Chicca Gagliardo, laboratorio a cura di Kaori Miya...